Welcome to my New Venture!
This opportunity was presented to my hubby in the middle of a garage sale. We were trying to raise funds to cover for S&H to send oversees. And the adventure starts from there.
Currently Zeek Rewards is going through the process with the law and media right now... you can click here for more details on this business.
As for now, hubby and I have stepped back a bit to watch how things go and if all goes well, will either continue or step down. The business is promising. I just think there's a few glitches here and there that needs to be updated or corrected. There are plenty of other information available for the updates on Zeed, so the decision factor always falls on whether you want to take a risk or not. Just remember that all business and investments are risks. Otherwise, click back here to read more on other job opportunites.
How do you define success?
To me success is when one is at peace with where they're at life; to be content with what they've accomplished and who they've helped along the way. But sometimes success can take control and cause one to stumble and become greedy in their own selfish way. A door to opportunities will always open its way to bless others, but when one stumbles, the door closes so that the rest does not. This is exactly what happened with the new venture that Ermer and I became a part of. The business was working out so well until one of the head owners of the company decided to make profit off the side. This created a door for investigation that ended work for many people who saw hope in this economy. We just want to apologize on behalf of the team for the poor integrity of the head leader of this company. Just note that God will always open doors to bless His people but He will also close them when He knows best. James 2:10 For whoever keeps the law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. We don't know where Paul Burke';s relationship is with God, but we do know that he and his family needs prayer to overcome this trial. So pls include them in your prayers and hope that everyone who joined forgives and continues to seek God through every trial. Ermer and I continue to seek God in ways to bless others... It hasn't been 30 days yet and this is the results of placing ads everyday for less than 5 minutes out of 1,440 in a day.
Not much but it definitely beats than losing $$$ in stocks or not making anything at all. Besides what does anyone expect to get paid to place ads in just 3-5 minutes? If I were to break down my hourly pay to minutes, I would be getting paid $0.59/minute... Or $1.75-$3.00 for 3-5 minutes of my time. Now that's something and that's exactly how I see it.
This company will pay out approx. 1.25-1.5% of their daily profit at the end of the day to their employees. That could be anywhere from $1.25-$2.00 everyday. If I were to multiply that by 60 minutes, that's like getting paid $30/hr approximately. $1.50 x (60mins in a hour / 3mins) = $30/hr So there's a lot of potential with this opportunity, especially since there are 7 ways to make this happen. Last week, we shared with you that ER wanted to step it up a bit. It took about 10-12 days for the company to deposit the $1000 we vested into the VIP Bucket. On the first day, the account already earned $13. See below: So we're excited and were going to see how this goes up until the cash is our hands. We're taking things
Step by step and so far, all is going pretty well. Check it out here... I really enjoy seeing the benefits of being a part of Zeek Rewards. I also enjoy seeing other's success! Lola, my mother-in-law, started at the Silver Level. She's so excited to see her business grow in such little time. Here's her update. In just 10 days, this is her results: We're on Day 14 and we've upped the challenge by doing VIP bids. See the results? Read our previous post on how VIP works. Two posts ago, we increased the value of the business and now just waiting patiently for it to transact through.
Our Team Lead also stepped up the business by focusing on affiliates and training them step by step. My husband's been doing a great job training and simply showing the ropes too. I'm more of the accountant, so seeing the results of our efforts makes sharing the opportunity even easier! Not that we have to - we WANT to... there's a difference there and it's great to have choices for everyone to decide. So hubby deposited $12 and it took approximately 5-7 days to show up
On account. As soon as it did, the $12 turned into VIP BIDS. With VIP Bids, you have an option of giving/ sharing bids to new customers and/ or affiliates. By sharing, Zeek will give you an incentive. So for example, our back office is set to give 25 VIP BIDs to new customers, but since we only had 12 VIP BIDS, the account gave 12 VIP BIDS to a new customer. And then Zeek rewarded 12 POINTS back. It's like depositing $12, giving it away, and then getting it back. Makes sense? Buckets-points-bids can be confusing. So here's the chart I read to get some sense into all these income streams. What's Zeek Rewards? Click here. The week passed by so fast!
Which means this opportunity will pass by fast and all the pennies that you would have added up in the past days don't match what this program can off you... Long sentence, I know. I can keep on talking and talking and probably not make cents (hahaha! Get it? Makes cents?), cause I'm still so hyped up about this opportunity My God blessed us with and it's so exciting to bless others. Day 7: Day 7: Day 6: We just recently sent in our first big deposit/ buy into the VIP Bonus Bucket. This one of the 6 ways income streams that this program offers. If you haven't already done so, watch the video, it's the first step to understanding what possibilities you are about to be blessed with. Watch Video! Still going... No negative or losses...
It's time to understand the next ladder of income stream... The VIP Bucket. Watch the video... This is Day 3, which was yesterday...
This is Day 4:
So in 4 Days, the account earned approx. 9 points, which is close to an equivalency of $9 just through 1 of the 6 ways of earning income through this business via the Bonus Points Bucket.
Another way is through the websites that retails the products. You can earn commission through your free site when you first sign up... And yes, free websites with even the FREE account. Now, next is understanding the "VIP Bucket." Watch Video So far so good. In comparison to hubby's calculations, it's a few cents short, but yesterday was a few cents more, so it broke out about right.
Spoke to my Auntie about the program today and she liked what she saw AND heard. What she really liked is that you don't Have to recruit/ sponsor to earn. You also don't even need to have inventory. Nice right? I like those pointers about this business opp too. Also, unlike other businesses, theres no initial cost to start up, too. You can try the business out for FREE and go from there. Of course, there are other perks, so check it out... Here. Whatcha gonna lose? Not a Penny Less that's for sure... After being off of work for 7 days, I was with my colleagues. They asked, "How are you?"
And from there, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I started telling them about the garage sale and the woman and this opportunity. I told them that I have a retirement plan now. I couldn't believe how excited I was and still am about all this. I'm telling myself, "Be safe. Don't go over your head." But as I tell my friends about my new venture, they listen with curiosity. They know I'm a hard worker. They know that I look into things before taking chances or jumping into something foolish. I do my homework and I do my homework well. I honestly told them that I didn't want to say anything until I see the results I'm looking for, but the numbers, the values, and the opportunity really all speaks for itself. Look at this chart that hubby put together to show me an idea of what will happen in 30-60 days in the Diamond Level. This next pic is the start of our Day 1.
So far, Day shows worthiness... But again, "Don't go over your head, Michelle."
I told my Uncle Art about this opportunity, and we both agreed that until I show him the money in my hand ($500 we said) he will sign up. Alrighty then, I got my first Challenge! Woot woot! A Penny For Your Thoughts and Not a Penny Less. |